Loverse Paris Collagen Cream Cleanser 100ml


Sodium Hyaluronate: is a natural substance that is based off Hyaluronic Acid. It is the salt form of this particular acid. It functions as a tissue lubricant and has the ability to act as filler between the tissue fibres. This is known as collagen and elastin. Sodium Hyaluronate also functions as storage of moisture as it can store large quantities and also absorb it easily. It also helps transport nutrients and acts as a filter of inflammatory molecules.
Aquaxyl: works as a hydration booster and assists in controlling water circulation. It helps by protecting the layers of skin, through limiting the amount of water loss and retains water through its essential lipids (also boosting proteins and dermal /epidermal hyaluronic acid). By trapping water it helps maintain moisture levels and boosts hydration, this essentially improves dry skin and dry hair.

Volume: 100ML

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